My name is CJ Jessup. I am a proud father of 7 children and 10 grandchildren. Years ago, I made the decision to move my family to Minneapolis in order to have a better life and a brighter future. In 2020 we were hit with a pandemic that truly started to affect the entire nation. I, along with many others, was left with unanswered questions and thoughts of doubts and worry. Our long road ahead then divided even further after the unfortunate incident of George Floyd. As we all know, this incident was tragic and took place in South Minneapolis, in the heart of my home. I decided then that we needed to take a stand in order to offer positivity, create hope in our community, and to lend a hand to one another in order to come together.

There have been issues for far too long with the division within our communities. That is why I decided to create this organization. It is named 2ndChanceProject because it would provide REAL life 2nd Chance opportunities for individuals coming out of incarceration, state hospital facilities, struggling families, individuals who struggle with substance abuse, or anyone in need of a judgment free environment to get back on their feet.

I have been working in the field for well over a decade within the metro area. I am extremely proud of the role that I have been able to play in strengthening our communities. Here is a glimpse of some of the work that we have already been able to successfully create:

We started out by taking over a Hotel-To-Home program during the pandemic. This program identified encampments and people experiencing homelessness in order to move them into a hotel room. During their stay they were exposed to physical health care, mental health care, vital resources, along with connections to a housing provider during their stay. These all were all offered on site for the program participants. With the help of our amazing staff and team, along with black owned businesses in our community, 2ndChanceProject was able to take over this program and make it thrive. In turn, the crime rate within this area has decreased and has become almost non-existent.

Having such an impact on the reduced crime level within the community, 2ndChanceProject was able to foster a wonderful working relationship with local law enforcement, city management, along with city council members. 2ndChanceProject has also been able to provide de-escalation services and crowd management during protests. Having this time within our community has allowed us to grow a bond where we have been able to host successful healing circles and events such as “Heal the City” and “Toys for Tots”.

2ndChanceProject then received grants related to the opioid epidemic. This allowed us to help individuals directly affected by the restraints of opioid addiction. We have been able to help these individuals by connecting them to resources for basic necessities, recovery support, along with some financial assistance for housing expenses such as application fees.

2ndChanceProject has also been able to develop and operate our Next Step housing program for individuals with barriers to traditional housing. To better assist individuals 2ndChanceProject offers Housing Support Services and/or Certified Peer Recovery Supports to individuals in need.

After years of hard work, 2ndChanceProject has been able to secure an office location in Saint Paul, MN and we always welcome new clients who are looking for their 2nd chance.


As long as, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.